2 Jun 2014

My Active Life

Whilst out for dinner one night, I stumbled across a flyer CLIMB FOR CANCER that you couldn't miss. I thought about it for a while then I decided why not do it - before I knew it I was entering my details down, selecting which category I was to climb against... Fast forward 5 weeks and bam it is 2 days before CLIMB FOR CANCER begins. What is CFC? It's a fundraising event where, no matter what your fitness levels are; you climb 810 stairs which is 37 floors up (for people you know/have had cancer) - bit intimidating right - on the day it sure was, the adrenaline pumping and butterflies growing but it's all worth it!

The reason I registered was because I've know people who have/had cancer and one of them being my Dad; he had cancer for about 2 years but has overcome and is going back for weekly checkups to keep things in track! Also whilst registering, it struck me that this wouldn't be as hard or as challenging compared to what cancer patients have to go through - so this was a bit of motivational boost!

So I've signed up five weeks prior to this event, my mind back then was cool calm and collected, thinking yeah I'll be fine, it's just stairs... Boy was I wrong, I decided to get my body and mind into gear and "train" for how challenging it would be. My diet didn't change too drastically, I'd let myself indulge when I want in moderation ;)


I tried doing exercises for at least 20-30 minutes Monday-Friday. I would mix it up, from running/jogging at the beach side, to mountain climbing at a timed pace (it's the best feeling knowing you can beat your previous time!) doing home work outs (abs, legs, arms). Feel that burn.  

For the workouts,  I really enjoy using Blogilates (Cassey has an Blogilates app). Straightforward, easy to follow, she includes music and keeps you motivated. Definitely check her out, you can thank me later. Another fabulous lady who has a passion for fitness is Kayla Itsines - if you haven't heard of her, you should totally check her out - she has a book regarding nutrition and a 12 week training guide - you will be sore tomorrow!

When I was a kid, I loved skipping, but as I got older I didn't enjoy it as much, now I purchased my own skipping rope to help me build on my cardio! Who knew skipping could be so useful!

Some other things I've found have given me a motivational kick start:

Music. It's the best thing ever. Pump up the groovy beats and no doubt you'll be running up a sweat in no time. Any good running/pumping album suggestions are much appreciated! If music doesn't help...
Motivation. Motivation is key as it gets you started, for me personally I usually check out fitness pages for that boost of motivation to get me going; Lorna Jane is a good one to start with. Kayla Itsines on Instagram is a great motivation for all!! Not everyone is the same, but hey if you do need some motivation check out fitness Instagrams or Tumblr's etc.
Stretching. Do not forget to stretch. This is where I lack persistence; I've noticed I don't usually stretch before doing a workout, I usually stretch more afterwards - but I have realised it's so important to warm up before exercising to get your body warmed up, muscles alert to let the blood circulate - so you won't be sore the day after. Stretching gives you flexibility, which allows you to workout more easily. 
Stress. Lastly this is one of the main reasons I LOVE working out, it relieves me of stress. Everyone has stress - especially when you get older. Exercising and stretching go hand in hand when it comes to stress, it will give you endorphin-boosting effects which will improve your mood!!

I'm intrigued to know what exercises you do on a daily basis or during the week...

Shopping for exercise clothes are so much fun! Lorna Jane gives us women a funky and comfortable range of workout gear - Thanks Lorna Jane!!

6am walks along the beach is so relaxing and you marvel at the beauty of nature.

Our dog, Cutie. A little rascal but I adore her so much :)

Love Kathy 

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